Monday, August 25, 2008


Sleep has been a very pronounced topic this past weekend for me. Saturday I woke up wanting more, but opted for a nice long bike ride instead to sweat out some cocktails from the night prior. Saturday afternoon and evening I was dying for sleep, and managed to get to bed at a decent hour. Sunday I felt like I had been hit with a tranquilizer gun and was exhausted all much so I opted out of a run I'd been looking forward to all weekend. Sunday night after falling asleep, exhausted, on the couch, I retired to my bed only to lie awake with a million thoughts zooming through my head, unable to quiet it no matter how hard I tried. Who knows how long I lay there cursing my overactive mind. Finally I fell asleep only to have some bizarre dreams...not that my dreams are ever anything of reality, but this was a very bizarre series of events. The majority of the dream has already slipped my mind except for the final element, the last thing that appeared in it...a white rabbit. All dream sources site a white rabbit as being symbolic of faithfulness in a lover. I'm curious now...exactly who is this imaginary lover who is apparently faithful to me??

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