Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Black and white, shades of gray.

I have a mind that thinks in shades of gray, in sharp contrasts of black and white, in shadows and highlights, in texture and pattern. Sometimes I have to remind myself that not everyone thinks that way. The dichotomy of this with men and women is even more pronounced. Women have often gotten caught in the web of implying things only to have their point not understood because the point was artfully placed amidst carefully constructed words and phrases. It can be like this in the office and in the home. Sometimes we muddy our point by adding one extra word or phrase that adjusts the focus away from where originally intended. I had such an instance this evening that made me truly laugh. It was something that was meant to be provocative and ended up reverting to a minor detail becoming the theme of the conversation, the whole initial "big bang" passed by unnoticed. I got to laughing so much about it I had to call my sister and brother-in-law and they had an equally good laugh. Had I thrown the readers mind off course by included what I had thought was a fun quip? Or is it really just that where I think in multi-dimensions and absorb all details while still maintaining sight of the broader vision, others (men specifically) fixate on something small and insignificant and therefore lose sight of the original goal?

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