Wednesday, July 9, 2008

On time

My google "horoscope" this morning ended with a very interesting quote, one I'm surprised I had never heard before - "Appointments with destiny are always on time." I don't know why this struck me as so interesting, so intriguing but it did. Now, let's be honest, it doesn't take much to quickly distract me and send my mind reeling so this was no different.

You know when you can sense something but don't know what it is? Maybe you don't, but I can almost smell a change about to occur, an event about to happen, a shift in the works. Familiar things start to look slightly different, the feel of things is a bit morphed, sounds affect me differently. I don't know how to explain it.

I found myself picking up one of my favorite books two nights ago, The Celestine Prophecy. I read this book many years ago and it was one of those books I read at the exact right moment in my life, it left a profound effect on me. I am not sure what compelled me to pick it up again but as I read I am reminded of these little "instances" that I've noticed, reminders, tiny things that only make sense when coupled with other tiny things. Celestine Prophecy is based around that, sort is based around the thought that there are no coincidences in life. You know when you think about something and then all of a sudden they call or you see a few things that remind you of someone and the next thing you know they are at your doorstep? Yep...these are not coincidences, but the systems of the universe, pointing out what is about to happen in an oh so subtle way. It's curious to think about's curious considering the little here's and there's I've had of late.

Appointments with destiny are always on time.

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