Thanksgiving has come and gone. Seeing my family always recharges me, realigns me, reignites me. We have such an incredible bond, such an unshakable love for each other. Many people dread going home for holidays, I look forward to it, relish every moment. I get to sleep in the same room as my oldest sister and feel like we're kids again, bunking up and telling stories before we fall asleep. Granted, the stories have changed, but not much else. My parents are amazing, and like little teenagers...they love to laugh and play and goof off. A great dynamic of my family is our conversations. We talk about so many issues, politics, love, science, pop culture, fashion, music. You could walk into a room one minute and hear us discussing the horrors in Darfur and come back an hour later and we're chatting about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's next child. We are all so alike but bring such unique specialties to the table that compliment each other like a perfectly paired wine and cheese. We share a bond that I can only hope will transpire to my future potential family. The whole fam at Happy Hour Dad carving the turkey Boat ride down the Okefenokee Swamp
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