Monday, November 12, 2007


A lot of things are changing. The weather is shifting into winter; cool nights walking with a light jacket and scarf have morphed into thicker jackets, gloves and chattering teeth. My best friend from college has moved to Nicaragua to do some work for a bit. My hair seems to get darker with every cut. The way I spend my time is changing. Priorities are changing.

It's a weird thing, an unfamiliar thing, when something just works so smoothly, when something doesn't require much effort. I never pictured myself having the best 14 hours of nothing, of things unplanned. I'm a planner when it comes to new endeavors. Spontaneity has rarely worked in the past unless in very familiar territory. 14 I changing or did I just figure something out that I was turning a blind eye to before? It is change or recognition? Is it a product of experiences and dotting the i's, crossing the t's to realize what I really wanted and needed?

It's funny how something unexpected can warp your whole sense of being...warp it into something you didn't know you were capable of.

1 comment:

Penelope said...

I think I'm on to you, missy!