Thursday, November 29, 2007

Various topics

I feel like a variety of interesting things have transpired lately. In an effort to keep this post exciting, I am throwing chronological order out the window! These quips will flow as they flow in my mind at this very moment.

We just had another book club meeting to discuss The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. As always, the discussion was well rounded and colorful with every woman bringing a different set of views to the table. I love leaving book club feeling like I have a whole new understanding of a book I just read and thought I had all figured out. I was, however, the one possessing probably the most controversial opinion as to the ending. I hate to say it but I was disappointed she didn't commit suicide in the book, although perhaps Sylvia Plath's real life is the true answer.

I feel like I can finally reveal the theme behind a few of my latest posts. I stumbled upon someone a few weeks ago and have found myself quickly falling into an amazing relationship. There are behaviors I exhibit that I don't recognize and I realize it is because I have never met someone that fit so well. It hasn't been much time and some people may say I am getting ahead of myself but the difference is I know where he stands and we are honest and open and both share the common interest that we value our time together in a way we never imagined or planned. I couldn't be more pleased.

There are more new things in the works...things of altruism and giving back that I'm very excited to explore more. I am realizing why things are so great right now and it's because the people around me are amazing and inspiring and I am continuing to meet more amazing people that I can already tell will have a big impact on me. There are certain people that, upon seeing each other and then separating, I feel such satisfaction of my time spent with them that I realize how lucky I am to have them in my life.

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