Wednesday, October 24, 2007

You are what you eat?

Recently, I've gotten into a few conversations with various people as well as thinking about it myself - the thought of whether we are what we do for work, if work defines us, or if it is separate. I do not believe that work defines me. Work is something I do to enjoy other things in life. Work does have a major role in my life solely based on the amount of time it consumes. I spend a minimum of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week doing it. Each year I spend at least one entire month logging over 70 hours a week, I usually work 8-10 weekends every year, I usually travel over a dozen times a year solely for work. So yes, work does consume a good quantity of my life. But my life is not defined by it...I do not live and breath my work, I do not get emotional over my work, I do not let work dictate the pleasures I enjoy in life. I let work be a catalyst for other endeavors, rendezvous, free vacations.

Work and life may walk side by side, but they do not necessarily hold hands in my mind. When I leave work, I leave work. I rarely talk about it outside the office because, lets be honest, who really cares about the fact that I had to place a multi-thousand dollar order for electricity and plumbing for a 20x20 footprint for 2 days, as well as setting up calls with 8 retailers to discuss their store layout and capabilities? Especially people who aren't in my work field, it means nothing to them. Why is it though, that so many people leave their office and continue to spend the rest of their evening whining over their tough day, or talking to someone about xyz when that person doesn't even know what xyz means? Life and work are like Church and State...they will always co-exist but should never have an impact on each other. It is one thing for your life to inspire you at work and for your work to inspire you in life. But I say, don't take your life into your work, don't take your work into your life.

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