Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This and that

This is the problem with not posting regularly...I feel like I have to do a "catch-up" posting versus something more specific...a theme or story or whatever. Alas. 

Things of late. Well, a very exciting addition to my apartment/life...a kitten!!! She's my little button. Her name is not 100% confirmed but it's looking like it may be Maddalena...Lena or Madz for short. I was watching La Dolce Vita the day before I got her so that name was stuck in my mind, and then I googled it and turns out, it's also an island near Corsica that is only accessible via boat...kind of a cool tie-in since I had to take a boat to go get my little one. She has 2 settings...snuggle-bug and crazy kitty. It's pretty entertaining. 
I also recently got back from a week vacation in Mexico. I rarely take vacations where I actually "vacate", relax, chill out. I am usually travel-book in tow, pages dog-eared of monuments and sights and cities I want to visit...days packed with adventure and to-do's. This, however, was a week filled with lazying on a very nice yacht, dingy-ing into a cute little island to lay on the beach and drink margaritas and eat guacamole and get tan. all fairness, I did have on item on the "agenda"...finishing my diving certification. I had 4 open water check-out dives to go and despite a quickly forming sinus infection, I got them done...I'm now a certified diver!! I will do another post about that shortly.

We just finished a book for bookclub - Mudbound. It was quite good but also sobering in being reminded of segregation and racism only a few decades ago. The conversation was great, as usual, and we all shared stories of modern day prejudism. It's crazy that although we have evolved significantly from the days of lynching and back-of-the-bus, there are still ignorant people out there who know no different. It's sad really.

Tomorrow I am on a plane, yet again. I think this will be 3 times in one month. This time to a wedding in FL. A very important wedding. The wedding of my best guy friend from college. A person who knows me so well, after being apart for over 4 years, he still remembers what kind of alcohol I like and bought a bottle to have in the house we'll be staying in. What a guy. Alas...another one to take the plunge. I'm psyched to see all my college boys seems like a million lives ago, my world was so intimately woven with theirs.

Happy Wednesday!

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