Friday, September 14, 2007


I've always had pretty odd dreams. I used to have a recurring dream when I was young, for about 10 years. There was one main one that would happen pretty much once a week, and one other one that would happen every few months. Those stopped. My dreams are usually VERY out there...things that could never transpire outside of a sci-fi film or pure imagination. I don't often dream about people I know in real life. A lot of times I'm in the dream at a birds eye view. I've had prophetic dreams a few times. The worst kind of dreams for me are dreams inside of's the scariest feeling to wake up to (if you don't know what this is, ask me about it sometime). I've had one lucid dream and I prefer to not do that again. I try to write down every dream I remember. The more you write down your dreams, the more you remember them. True statement.

I spent about 4 or 5 years with off and on insomnia. This got me really intrigued in not only dreams, but the meaning of tiny details. When you lay awake in your bed for 5 hours each night, you think about a lot of things, but I got particularly intrigued with my dreams and their relevance and/or correlation to my awake life.

Recently I started having a lot of dreams that were more realistic and involved a lot of people I know in real life (again, this is odd for me). The themes of them have been very different them my dreams in the past. The concepts have been more tangible then usual. It's been a really bizarre feeling for me. I've been trying to assess them but often have a hard time writing down things about them in the AM even though I can replay them in my mind. It's as if there truly are no words.

Just like you can feel the seasons change, like when you wake up one morning and there's just that certain smell in the air that tells you fall has arrived, I have the same sense with my life and changes...I can feel a shift in the air. There's been a shift. It usually takes a bit of time after I sense the shift before I know the event or change...but it always intrigues me in the meantime, wondering what it is or will be. Is it something right in front of me that I'm ignoring? Is it something coming down the pipes?

To clarify the beginning portion talking about dreams, a shift in my style of dreams and themes within is usually the first sign of a greater shift or change of something in my dreams have a greater relevance in life, and not what actually happens in them, but more the feeling around them. So now I am left with the anticipation of whatever this upcoming shift is...

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