Monday, December 15, 2008


So often I find that people, myself included, aren't willing to take ownership of things. It can be as simple as ownership of a mistake, or as big as ownership of their own feelings and in turn, their destiny. I have had people be surprised when I mention "flaws" about myself, or things I'm not good at..."I'm a control freak". "You don't want me on your softball team, I have horrible hand/eye coordination". "I trip and fall a lot". I am not afraid of things that are a core part of me. Or things I'm not good at. I own up to that, with pride I might add. I think that being able to say what you are bad at, or ill equipped to do, is just as important as saying and knowing what you ARE good at and can do well.

Emotions can be more tough. Taking ownership over things you feel, things you need, things you desire...that can be a little more tricky. It puts us on the line, it puts our ego out there for a possible bruising, it puts our pride in the spotlight. But have you ever just said, "F-it" and said or done something, regardless of the implications, just because it needed to be done or said? Because you needed to take ownership of it, you needed to be honest with yourself about it? It's amazing...freeing, invigorating, enlivening. Sometimes shedding the tin-man persona can be the best thing ever.

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