Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Airports...my 2nd home

I am yet again about to take off on another adventure involving multiple airports. I fly out of VT tomorrow, bright and early and head to NYC for a work event tomorrow evening. I have some meetings and then a big report to work on on Thursday so I have minimal work to do on the plane on Friday. Friday afternoon I'll be heading back to JFK airport but not to fly back to VT. I'll be meeting up w/my parents and oldest sister, Alli, to hop on our plane direct to Istanbul!! We luckily don't have any layovers, although that means 10.5 hours on one plane. It is a toss up...would it be better to be woken part way through the night for a layover and at least get to stretch your legs, walk around a bit in an airport, or have the whole 10.5 hours straight through? I suppose if the Ambien does what it's supposed to do, I'll be pleased with the long, direct flight. Granted, I may have to do some work for the first part of the flight, but small price to pay for a nice vacation.

We will be in Istanbul for 7 days and I'm so excited. Work has been insane lately (was here til 8:30pm last night) but that will make this vacation all the more amazing because it is so needed. I take an overseas trip every year and would have already gone on mine by now so I'm feeling the "itch" even more so. I'm really excited to explore a city that was once ruled by the Romans and is now 99.8% Muslim. It's going to be incredible! And I'm really excited to see my family. This will be the 5th overseas trip I've been on with my parents but the first with Alli. I've been to a few countries with Colleen, my other sister, but never Alli so we're really excited to explore together. We will definitely be checking out Istanbul nightlife once or twice.

Woohoo!!! Check back in about 10 days for some photos. Milk blog part 2 is still on it's way..I have a few more articles to read before posting.

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