Thursday, April 15, 2010

Anyone can start today and make a new tomorrow

I love reading recent posts and realizing how quickly things we adapt, morph, grow, right before our very own eyes sometimes. I'm not sure if it's truly the book, but I have really been thinking so much lately about Frankl's belief in choice. You know, it really does work sometimes. Get all the facts, have all the info you can and then decide...decide how YOU want to react. We have that freedom, at all times, to choose how to react to any and everything around us. Yes, sometimes it feels hard or wrong or confusing, but it's a voluntary opportunity...we truly do control our destiny. Would I rather be upset about something that I truly can't control or choose to find what's good about it, what positivity can come from it, what it can morph into and appreciate it for that? I'm going with option B. I've been doing that a lot lately and it's pretty damn refreshing.

We truly can start today and make a new tomorrow. I love that quote. Decide for ourselves how we want to feel tomorrow. Nothing and no one can truly make you feel anything you don't want to. Taking onus of things is the start, looking at all the facts, asking yourself the right questions, and then deciding. What do I want tomorrow to feel like and how can I start making that happen today?

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