Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Blip in the Radar

Funny how right when things seem to be going so well, it's almost inevitable for a little blip in the radar to appear. I sometimes wonder if it happens to knock some reality back into you, remind you that there will always be roadblocks, difficulty, and not let you get to comfortable in grandeur of things. I am not sure what it is, but I feel totally out of my skin. I can't sit still, I feel like I could blow my lid at any minute, I want to punch a wall, curl up in my room, run until I can't feel my legs, disappear for a few days. There's a cumulation of things...our offices are moving Monday, I fly out for my big event in a week, work is crazy and unpredictable, people are inconsistent and confusing, my hamstring is acting up, my apartment needs to be cleaned, I miss my sisters and parents. about a "waaaaah" fest. My old office mate would say to me, "Someone call the WAAAAHmbulance!" I need a good dose of laughter and a great surprise to shake me out of this funk. I hate funks. I'm a bit of a control freak so when things get out of my control, or I wake up feeling off and can't pinpoint what it is, therefore how to fix it, I get antsy and frustrated. I need a remedy but I don't know the ailment. I know one part of the ailment, but I can't control it....what if a doctor said to you, after you explain your symptoms, "yeah...I know exactly what you have but sadly I have no idea how to fix it or make it feel better.". Brutal. I may have to go dark for a few days, decompress. I am definitely looking forward to heading off to Chicago in a week, gone for 10 days. I'll be totally busy the whole time, distracted, unable to think about stupid stuff, focus on what I've been working on for the past few months, see some friends, make some new ones. I need an escape. I need a massage. I need a glass of wine...or three.


kimberly said...
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kimberly said...

Hi LZ. It's Kim, a fellow Virgo. I have found myself in similar situations in the past. I find it helps to take a few moments for myself. You could fill that time with a deep breath. Remind yourself that you always have choices. I sometimes write two lists.

List 1: Things you feel like you need to get done that you have control over. Pick a few easy ones you can tackle immediately. Doing that might help you to feel accomplished, less overwhelmed and more in control. You can save the others for a rainy day.

List 2: Things you may be thinking or feeling or situations that you may not have control over. Once you get them down on paper you can compartmentalize them and perhaps let them go until you have more time or are better equipped to address them.

Take care!