Thursday, February 12, 2009

Under the Sea...or Pool more accurately

So, I have been, still, crazy busy. Work is starting to even out a little bit but I have been working towards my Scuba certification which has been consuming my free time. The first week of class was last week and we met twice from 5:30-9:30pm...after a full day of work. Two hours in a classroom, two hours in the pool each class. In an attempt to finish the program sooner, the instructors have added a class this week and next so we finish a week early...which means that this week and next I spend 3 nights in a row in class..two hours in class, over two hours in a pool. It is intense...and exhausting. Leaving the house at 8:30am and getting home at 10pm is taking it's toll. BUT, it's awesome...I'm so excited to be getting certified. 
Currently we look like this: 
No, this isn't my actual class. But we spend a lot of time on the bottom of the YMCA pool (which FYI is nasty. I'm so glad I have something in my mouth and my nose covered to keep the water out of my system). Last night was our first night using the tanks and great. There is nothing like the feeling of floating, neutrally buoyant, underwater and being able to breath regularly. Some people have been having a hard time with it, find it really unnatural and uncomfortable. I'm not sure if it's because I've dove before, but I really love it. Now if only our instructor was a little more light-hearted...he's so serious and kind of stern. Everyone in my class is cool and fun and we like to joke around but our instructor, not so much. All business. And when you end a long work day by spending 4 hours with him, it can be tough. I'm just glad the other "students" are cool. 

There is a father and his 8th grade daughter, a high school boy, a guy around my age, a girl my age who is a UVM field hockey assistant coach and then this really fun, cool couple in their mid-30's. They are hilarious. It's really fun meeting and getting to know these people. Granted, two of them know people I know but still, new people that I would normally never meet but that are really fun and neat people. I hope to keep in touch with them after this is over.

Back in the pool tonight for more work with the regulators. The craziest thing I think we've learned to do is to fill our masks with water and clear it while remaining underwater, as well as taking our masks completely off, replacing them and clearing them underwater. I was pretty worried about this skill but it isn't bad...and pretty bad-ass to be able to do it! Other than that, have had some issues with getting my weight balance correct - first I was like a lead stick, last night I was too light. There really is a lot of science behind Scuba...which makes me love it even more. 

The best part about all of this is that once I finish this class and go do my open water dives in Mexico with my sis and get my actual certification, I am certified for life and can dive anywhere in the world. How awesome is that?? I will get to explore the beautiful and amazing underwater miracles anytime, anywhere. Viva La Scuba!!!

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