There are so many outside distractions in life. Be it a pack of fire trucks by a house as you drive by trying to concentrate on the road but unable to not gawk, at least a little, or the pot of water boiling over as you try to pay attention to someone on the phone, or lyrics in a song as you try to type a presentation up. We are so inundated with stimulus, it can be hard to focus...really focus. I have been trying to make a point of, especially when on the phone with someone, not multi-tasking. How unfair to think that while you are talking to someone, they are doing a million other things, catching only every 5th word. And how nice to sit down and just talk...not flip through a magazine, not check emails, not clean, just listen and respond. I have been doing that lately, just sitting and talking, and it's really pretty cool to catch all the little details, not just the big picture. Funny how, even in conversation, it's often the little things that truly make the conversation come together. Just like in life..it's the little things.
Stimulus is great, exciting, keeps us guessing and on our toes. It reminds us of things, makes us forget things. But I think the key is to balance it with being in the moment. Be present.
Be Present. It's amazing.