I haven't even looked to see when the last time I posted was because I think it will shock me and then I'll be overwhelmed with catching up. I'm tired of having to get caught up. Today. That's it. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Today.
Today I'm psyched, pumped, a little stressed, a little overwhelmed, a little anticipatory. Ok I said no yesterday but I'm going to speak of yesterday in a reflexive way (not sure that's the best way to put it).
The symbolic "yesterday" here is going to mean a compilation of a few days. I have been truly enjoying my work lately, even though it's been some of the craziest, busiest, most stressful weeks. But you know when you feel so overwhelmed you don't even know where to start, but you are inspired so it almost feels fun? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
I enjoy people. I enjoy meeting them, interacting with them, learning about them. Especially when they bring something to the table. I had the privilege of meeting some truly amazing and interesting people in my last work adventure, people that made me feel truly lucky to do what I do. Of this group of people I met there were 3 in particular that really moved me. Although I am a fairly social person, I also have a tendency to need space after a significant amount of time with people, but these three people I couldn't get enough of. The connection shared was one that comes along so rarely you can't help but want to scoop it up in a jar and seal it off to keep it from getting tarnished. Believe me, I've been trying to do just that. The sad side is that we are split across the country. The good part is that we are all reuniting this weekend on this next work trip. I'm so overwhelmed and stressed and discombobulated right now but the thought of seeing them makes my heart smile. How lucky am I?
An interesting conversation was had in talking about how people's lives are all a series of different paths, and people come together and their lives are parallel for a period of time. Sometimes I think I'm so lucky to be given the opportunity to run parallel with so many different people because of my travel and such, but then I think...we were meant to run parallel, I just happen to have this job because it was the vehicle to do just that.
Who knows what is to come...perhaps the meaning of life.