Monday, September 22, 2008

Another year

Another birthday is almost upon me...2 days away. Even though I'm getting older, I rarely freak out about my birthday. This year I feel especially relaxed about it. Usually I find myself reflecting or assessing my current situation, and maybe in a day or two I will but at the moment I almost feel numb about it. What is a birthday really, other than a way to track time? And time isn't even a trackable thing since it is constantly in motion, it is constantly changing. Each second ticks by, time is moving, fluid, dynamic.

What will this new age have in store for me? I will be going into my 26th year on this planet. That's over a quarter of a century. I've lived all over, traveled all over, studied dozens of subjects, laughed, cried, loved, lost. Every experience up to this point has shaped where I am today. It's easy to look back and say you wish you had done something differently or better but the reality is, every action has a reason...every thing we do puts us where we are today. Sometimes I have to remind myself of my own mantra...there are no coincidences. Or my mom's mantra...everything happens for a reason. All we can do is hope that each decision we make, each action we take teaches us something. If it seems like something we could have done better or differently, perhaps it just takes looking at it from a different angle, realizing it's benefit, it's place in our life, it's purpose in shaping who we are at this moment.

Twenty six. My horoscope (multiple ones actually) say I'm about to have a month of illumination...a month of the spotlight being on me and to make sure that I don't try to revert into the Libran way of wanting to be a balance point between two people, but to let the light shine on me, let the attention be put on me. I don't do well at that but I guess a birthday is a good excuse to give something new a try!

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