Saturday, March 15, 2008

Forward motion

My March numerology in Elle Magazine sums up some things, some feelings that went on today quite well...the last 2 sentences of it are: "Instead of playing things carefully, you boldly set the pace - and make new priorities. Along the way, you enjoy the pleasure of rediscovering your strong, independent self."

I had a lovely evening with Becky last night which consisted of a delicious dinner at Asiana followed by a glass of wine at 1/2 bar. We talked about a bunch of stuff, as per usual, but something about our conversations got me inspired and jump started the engine that has been stalled in me for the past few weeks. Today, I went and joined the gym as I'd been talking about since our other gym membership ended in January, and then I went and had a really nice workout and remembered how great it feels to sweat. Afterwards I stopped in at SkiRack to try on bike shoes. I've decided I'm going to start road biking this spring. I spent a good hour in there talking to the bike people (Susie rules) and getting a ton of information into this sport I know little about. I walked out with a pair of shoes (I figured if I own the shoes, I won't back out now) and a sense of empowerment and excitement over this new adventure! I'm looking forward to finding my bike and taking to the streets, literally. Becky is also planning to pick up the sport and it will really be great to have another beginner to do it with. We have already begun to plan Saturday's of driving to neat spots and riding for hours.

I'm not sure what it was exactly, but I started to feel myself again today. As my numerology said, I am beginning to enjoy the pleasure in rediscovering my strong, independent self. It feels great..I have truly been missing, well, me.

1 comment:

Penelope said...

Glad you're back in town! Will we see you on Tuesday for bookclub?