Monday, February 23, 2009


Winter. Hibernation. Some animals know what's up. I have been going non-stop for the past 3 weeks, not a minute of downtime, literally. It's been exhilarating but also exhausting. This past weekend I was home with no major plans and it was just what I needed. I did dinner and movie w/the old roomie Friday night (Shopaholic...made me want to go shopping), then to bed before midnight. Saturday met some friends for coffee, shopping with Jill (bad girl Lauren, bad bad girl), the purchase of a new amazing staple accessory...a classic, designer piece that every fashionable woman should own. Some other small items. Hot shoes on major sale...something I wouldn't normally get but have always wanted to try out Lunch w/Caroline and her sister, bro-in-law and niece. Great people. Some Nintendo, old school style. I'm the WORST at duck hunter...I mean, terrible. Started on some initial stages of cleaning my horrendously disorganized apartment. Then to Becksters for some delicious whole-wheat crust veggie pizza from Leonardos, salad and wine and then the movie "The Changeling"...SOO good. Seriously, go rent it. Intense. 

Sunday was one of those days that felt perfect to me in the lamest way. Woke at a reasonable hour to crack my door just enough to retrieve my Sunday NYTimes. The whoosh of the espresso machine, steaming the milk, brewing the espresso. Warm toast. Some fresh snow. The morning was spent reading the paper, then starting on reading the bookclub book for this Wednesday - Beautiful Boy. A rough Skype conversation that left me in tears. Then the cleaning began. First unpacking of the NYC bag...a week later. Then hanging up the new clothes and plucking a few old pieces that need to be donated. Laundry. Trash. Vacuuming and mopping. Bathroom scrubbing. Dishes. Then the daunting task of the mile high pile of mail, catalogs, bills from the past month. A quick trip to Homeport for a letter organizer. Michaels for cork board. City Market for dinner supplies. Back home to yet more organization. I put cork board on the inside of my closet door to tack up inspiring images, outfits, colors, etc. I love it already. You know when you see a great outfit in a magazine but then quickly forget it? Not anymore...snip snip snip and on the board it goes. I'm feeling clothing inspired. Then more reading. I'm addicted to the book, which is funny because it's about addiction. Ignoring of phone calls. Ignoring of invites to hang out. Skipping the gym. Cooking a big lasagna for the week, cutting up fresh fruit for breakfast. Sex and the City while eating the delicious veggie lasagna. More reading, and stiill more reading in bed then drifting into slumber with some bizarre dreams I can no longer remember. Waking up today to a beautiful, clean, fresh smelling, organized apartment. Heaven.

There's something about a day where I don't converse with anyone. Where I don't interact with anyone. Where I do things I need to do. I hibernate in the comfort of my warm apartment, listening to soft jazz or classical or French music, smelling the fresh candle or food baking in the oven, watching snow fall. It was rejuvenating after a long 3 weeks of chaos. And to wake up to all that I had done yesterday was a great way to start the week. Happy Monday!

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