Friday, October 12, 2007


It is a very true thing that sometimes we don't realize the value of something until it's gone, or soon to be gone. Sometimes it takes knowing that something will not be within reach to realize what it means to you.

Recently, news came to me of a move. I knew it was a possibility but it was still a bit of a shock. Not long after shock, I began to realize a lot of things. I realized how much this meant to me. I realized the things that had been shared. I realize the laughter that had transpired. I realized the doors that had slowly begun to open, obvious or not. I realized the warmth and comfort. I realized the honesty. I realized the companionship. I realized the consistency. I realized how different it had been, how much it had changed me. Realization then led to sadness. Sadness that it took the soon-to-be-removal for me to realize these things, appreciate these things. It made me sad that it means the finality of one aspect, the potential. Regardless of the capacity they exist in, it made me sad.

"Some people come in to our lives and quickly leave. Others stay for a while, leave a footprint in our heart and we are never ever the same."

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