Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My new BFF

Ok...I'm going to begin this blog by saying it is about the most far-out post I have, and possibly will, post.

I was recently told about a show that aired on NBC, a show about Victoria Beckham moving to America to prepare for the Beckham's transplant to the USA. I admit, the fact this was coming from my over 30 male office mate was somewhat shocking. Not to mention his feedback being so positive! All you ever see of Posh is a very stern looking face hidden behind big shades and her skinny little self toting some hot new bag. Well, it is only fair to give someone a chance to redeem themselves beyond what you see through the paparazzi's point of view. I logged on to NBC.com and took a look for myself (they stream the whole show on the website).

Victoria Beckham is my new best friend. I love her. I'm not ashamed to say that. Although it was only a short 45 minute peek into who she really is, I love her! Here are some reasons why:

1) she's skinny as all hell but in a good way
2) her hair...amazing
3) clothing? love it
4) cheekbones and boobs
5) she is just generally hot
(i realize i sound gay for Posh...that's ok)

1) she's a cheeky lil Brit through and through
2) her humor is often dry but packs a punch
3) she is down to earth...hates talking about money, wants to find the perfect house b/c it is such a huge amount of money to spend (hellooo...most people who make hundreds of millions of dollars don't flinch at 10mill)
4) she uses the word "Major" in the way that southern people say "bless his/her heart"...i.e. when used in a trash talking manner, it null and voids the negative portion of your statement. For instance, she was commenting on a crazy rich old woman with too much plastic surgery and crazy hair and said "her hair is MAJOR". Love it. Adding it to my daily vocab.
5) she love love loves her kids and hubby.
6) she doesn't understand why some women in America don't wear knickers (i.e. Britany).
7) "it's great to be fabulous"
8) when she found a negative post about herself on Perez Hilton's blog, and then found out the coffee shop he works out of, she went down there to talk to him about it...and was hilarious. Hilarious for many reasons, my fave being when he offered her a cookie, after genuinely thanking him, she said "oh i can't eat that in public...i don't want people to think i actually eat...that'd ruin my image!" in a very sarcastic manner. love it.
9) she doesn't believe in the flat shoe fad...she thinks heels are the only kind of shoe to wear
10) when pulled over by the police she said "i didn't know whether to pose or get arrested!"

1) She is married to David Beckham. Enough said.

I mean, seriously...she's awesome. Watch her and become a convert like me - Thursday 7/19 at 9pm on NBC.

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