Friday, June 8, 2007

Slacking and reorganizing

I recently realized that I have not posted on here in quite some time, and I'm still new at it! I don't want the honeymoon phase to dwindle, so as with everything, I must remind myself and continue to work at it. The funny thing is, I have so many thoughts every day and a good 50% of them are related to travel, so why am I not blogging more! Perhaps it is that I have stopped bringing my laptop home weeknights to avoid staying locked on my keyboard, searching pointless things, looking at random articles. I have replaced nighttime computer use with reading and cooking and laundry and relaxing. I need to either set aside 10 minutes at the end of each or every other work day and do a little blogging, or jot down notes each day and enter blogs at the end of the week.

With that in mind, I have been reorganizing my thoughts and way about each day. I am seeking a more peaceful unified existence. I have picked up my old books on Buddhism again, have been enjoying tea and reading at night, cooking and relaxing, and spending at least part of the weekends retreating to the country and avoiding the hustle and bustle of the "big city" and the bar scene.

It seems that at some point every year I hit a sort of plateau and get a bit listless, a bit lonely, a bit melancholy. I truly enjoy my single life and the freedom it affords me although it can be rough when may close friends are in serious relationships and do a lot of "couple" activities with other coupled friends. I try to not let this deter me from venturing out there or tagging along. I have hit that place recently and find myself doing a lot of soul searching, hence my quest for a more peaceful unified way of being.

How does all this relate to travel though? Although I find myself in a similar place at some point each year, the place I'm at now is familiar in a different way. It is the way I have felt before taking a new leap. I felt this before moving to London. I felt this when I was seriously considering my first, then second, move to Vermont. It is a shirt in my psyche...a quest for answers that cannot be provided by my current surroundings but by some new, untouched territory.

I have been mentally planning a big change, and this feeling of late is telling me that I am finally in the right place and time to do this, after a few years of consideration. The mental plans are often the hardest as you have to physically begin to remove yourself and prepare yourself for change. This big change will involve packing my things, storing them either at my parents or a storage place, either selling my car or taking it to Florida, and moving to a new land for a few months, then reassessing my situation and either coming back to the states, or continuing my journey to another new land where an opportunity already awaits. I have made a mental timeline that ranges from 5 months to one year. I am hesitant to divulge the intricacies as I like to have some solid, in hands proof before sharing it to the's like suspecting you will get a promotion but not sharing it with your friends until you are don't want disappointment if something goes wrong.

I do truly feel that, although I had considered this same change 2 times in the past year, I feel the timing is finally right. 2008 is looking to begin with new scenery.

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